体能数据 Physical KPIs
覆盖距离 球员比赛/训练覆盖的总距离 (m) | Distance Covered The total distance the player covered (m) |
冲刺距离 球员比赛/训练总冲刺距离 (m) | SD (Sprint Distance) The total distance the player covered sprinting (m) |
冲刺次数 球员超过X m/s的次数(X 可自定义) | Sprints The number of times the player exceeded X m/s |
最大速度 球员在比赛/训练达到的最大速度 (m/s) | Top Speed The maximum speed the player reached (m/s) |
高强度跑距离 球员在比赛/训练超过X m/s所覆盖的距离(m),低于冲刺跑阈值(X 可自定义) | HID (High-Intensity-Distance) The total distance the player covered with a speed above X m/s and below the sprint threshold (m) |
跑动效率(m/min) 总距离除以持续时间 (m/min) | Work Rate (m/min) The total distance covered divided by the duration of the session/drill (m/min) |
加速/减速 球员加速度及减速度 | Acceleration/Deceleration Player ground acceleration and deceleration profile |
技术数据 Technical KPIs
触球次数(#) 球员触球总次数 | Touches (#) The total number of ball touches a player had |
双足均衡(%) 区分每只脚的触球百分比% | Leg Usage (%) The % of touches with each foot |
控球次数 (#) 球员个人控球次数 (IBP) IBP-球员需满足条件: ‒ 出球动作(传球/踢球)或 ‒ 至少触球3次或 ‒ 球员至少带球移动6m | Ball Possessions (#) The number of Individual Ball Possessions (IBP) the player had. IBP - a player has control of the ball: - Release action (pass/kick) or - Sequence of 3 touches or - Player covering at least 6 meters with the ball |
出球次数 (#) 球员的总出球次数 | Releases (#) The total number of release actions the player had |
传球成功率 (%) 球员成功把球传给本队球员的百分比% 控球节奏:单次触球 个人控球次数 (IBP)为1次 短控球 个人控球次数 (IBP)至少为2次,持续时间低于1.5秒 长控球 个人控球次数 (IBP)至少为2次,持续时间高于1.5秒 | Pass Completion (%) The % of releases that successfully reached a player on the same team Playing Tempo: 1 Touch IBP with only 1 touch Short PossessionIBP with a minimum of 2 touches and the duration is lower than 1.5 seconds Long PossessionIBP with a minimum of 2 touches and the duration is higher than 1.5 seconds |
带球时间(s) 球员的带球总时长 | Time on the Ball (sec) The total time the player had possession of the ball |
平均带球时间(s) 出球前的平均带球时间,不包含单次触球 | Average time on the Ball (sec) The average time to release; excluding 1 touch |
夺回球权次数 (#) 球员直接从对方队伍夺回球权,获得个人控球 (IBP)的次数 | Regains (#) The number of times the player gained an IBP straight from the opposition |
丢球次数 (#) 因对手夺回球权或球出界,本方球员失去个人控球 (IBP) 的次数 | Lost Balls (#) The number of times the player's IBP ended with an opponent gaining an IBP or the ball going out of play |
团队技战术数据 Team Tactical KPIs
传球网络 每个球员向本队其他成员传球,以及从队友处接球的次数 | Passing Network The number of times each player passed and received the ball from other teammates |
团队控球 (TBP) 团队的持续控球情况(统计所有球员的个人控球次数IBP) | Team Ball Possession (TBP) All consecutive IBP (1 or more) of players in one team |
控球率 (%) 团队控球率 | Possession (%) The % of time a team was in possession of the ball |
传球次数 (#) 团队球员的总传球次数 | Passes (#) Sum of passes made by the team's players |
传球成功率 (%) 团队的传球完成(成功)率 | Pass completed (%) % of completed (successful) passes |
传倒次数 每回合团队控球的平均传球次数 | Passes per Possession Average number of passes per TBP |
平均控球时长(s) 团队控球的平均时长 | Avg. Possession (sec) Average time of TBP |
平均夺回球权时长 (s) 团队从对方球队夺回球权消耗的平均时长 | Avg. Retrieving (sec) The average time it takes a team to regain the ball from the opposition |
步态解释 GAIT Definitions
腾空时长 从脚离开地面到下一只脚接触地面之间的平均持续时间。Playermaker团队版区分两只脚的腾空数据,以查看球员双脚对称性 | Flight Duration The average duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground. The data is presented per leg, to provide symmetry measures |
最短腾空时长 从脚离开地面到下一只脚接触地面的最短持续时间 | Minimum flight duration The minimum duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground |
最长腾空时长 从脚离开地面到下一只脚接触地面之间的最大持续时间 | Maximum flight duration The maximum duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground |
左右脚腾空对称 根据上述数据,区分起跳左右脚,对比对称性 | Flight duration symmetry a comparison of the above metrics for the left vs. the right foot output |
接触时长 左/右脚再次离开地面前,与地面接触的平均时长 | Contact Duration The average duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor before it leaves the ground again |
最短接触时长 左/右脚再次离开地面前,与地面接触的最短持续时间 | Minimum contact duration The minimum duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor before it leaves the ground again |
最长接触时长 左/右脚再次离开地面前,与地面接触的最大持续时间 | Maximum contact duration The maximum duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor before it leaves the ground again |
左右脚接触对称 左脚和右脚接触时间的差异对比 | Contact Time Symmetry The difference between contact time of the left foot and the right foot |
腾空比率 接触时长除以腾空时长,以获得左右脚腾空比率 | Flight Ratio Using the contact duration divided by the flight duration of the average leg values to create the ratio |
步频 特定时段内记录的平均步数(左-右-左-右)(每分钟完成的步数) | Cadence The average number of steps (left-right-left-right) recorded during the given session (steps per min) |
最小步频 特定时段内记录的最低步数(左-右-左-右)(每分钟完成的步数) | Minimum cadence The lowest number of steps (left-right-left-right) recorded during the given session (steps per min) |
最大步频 特定时段内记录的最高步数(左-右-左-右)(每分钟完成的步数) | Maximum cadence The maximum number of steps (left-right-left-right) recorded during the given session (steps per min) |
步长 平均步长距离 | Stride Length The average distance of a stride length |
最小步长 最小步长距离 | Minimum stride length The smallest distance of a stride length |
最大步长 最大步长距离 | Maximum stride length The largest distance of a stride length |
步长对称性 上述指标的左右脚步长比较 | Steps Asymmetry A comparison of the left vs. right stride length for the above metrics |